Sunday, August 7, 2011

Walter Child [1857-1949]

  Walter Child was born in Wilton Township, Waseca County, Minnesota, on 23 January 1857.  He was married to Emma Louise Folkedahl on 6 May 1879 in Dayton, Ohio, by the Rev. A. B. Leonard.  Emmas was born in Middletown, Ohio, 15 July 1856.  Emma died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on 8 September 1933 of cerebral hemorrhage and was buried in Waseca beside her son Clyde.  Walter Child died in Minneapolis on 31 January 1949 of heart trouble.
  After their marriage in 1879 they lived in Waseca until 1901 when Walter Child accepted a position in grain elevators in Superior, Wisconsin, Omaha, Nebraska, and Terre Haute, Indiana.  He left Terre Haute in 1916 and moved to Minneapolis where he was employed by the Farmers National Warehouse Corporation.
REFERENCES:  See Child's History of Waseca County, Minnesota by James E. Child for his 1878 role in the first fire company in Waseca (page 333), for his membership in the Waseca County Horsethief Detective Society (page 348), and for his role in the Spanish War as Captain of Company K of Waseca (Chapter LXXV, pages 583-588).

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